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Get ‘Hooked’ on the New GoFree App
GoFree® has announced the release of GoFree Hooked, a new fishing app for IOS and Android devices. The new app, geared to both saltwater and freshwater anglers, allows you to save trip details, fish photos and details about each catch, like weight, length and species.
What really sets the app apart is a Compete mode that allows anglers to challenge friends, family or anglers from the worldwide GoFree Hooked user community to a real-time competition, and then follow the results via a live leaderboard.
Click Here to watch the video to learn more about GoFree Hooked

Add a whole new dynamic to your fishing trip by challenging friends, family or anglers from the worldwide GoFree Hooked user community to a tournament competition, and then follow the action via a live leaderboard.
Challenge the water
Are you better on the shore, on a small pond, or do you excel on the open seas? Do you catch more fish in the morning or evening? When you log your catches on GoFree Hooked ─ you’ll know ─ because we save the date, time and location of all your catches.
Challenge yourself
Can you do better each time you revisit your favorite fishing spot? Whether you are fishing from the bank at a local farm pond or fishing the open sea from a 36-foot Yellowfin, you can continue to challenge yourself each time, by logging each trip in the app.
Record & Share Catches
People don’t believe your fish stories? With GoFree Hooked, you can record your catches, saving fish photos, GPS location, length, weight, species and notes about each catch. All of your catch information can be shared with family and friends via text, email or social media.
Review fishing trips, catch locations, fish details and fishing notes to see if you are a better angler now than you were when you started using the app. Revisit the best fishing spots to repeat fishing success again and again.
To download the app, visit www.gofreehooked.com
To see the launch video for GoFree Hooked, click below.