Big pikes on Westin Jerk & Westin Jätte
During the month of March Jess Glargaard from Kinetic had some great pikefishing. The conditions were pretty rough, but he was convinced that it would pay of testing some new waters. The tactic was simple. A little more than a dozen Westin Lures were chosen and brought along in the backpack and off he went looking for spots that weren’t covered in ice.
At the first spot a small pike attacks a Westin Shallow Runner almost right away, but after this there’s no action or sign of fish for several hours. A change of lure to a Westin Jerk Intermediate does the trick. Even when fished as slow as possible on a normal fixed spool spinning equipment this lure has a great action and a unique swimming pattern, and soon a 5 kilos pike attacks.
As the evening gets closer, Jess moves to another spot. Judged by the look of it, Jess is not convinced that this spot has a lot of pike-appeal, but it dosen’t take long before something heavy attacks his Westin Jerk. After a great fight and a short visit on the unhooking mat a 9.2 kilos pike is returned back in the cold water.
As the daylight slowly starts to disappear another big pike decides to attack the Intermediate lure. It takes several solid runs before Jess is able to land the fish. Soon after the tripod and the camera is ready and a few photos are shot before releasing yet another marvelous pike measuring 114 cm and 10.8 kg.
In Denmark the pike fishing season closes in April, but right before the closure the Westin Jätte proved its worth as well and Jess was rewarded with a 8.2 kilos and 104 centimeters pike.
If you have reports on big fish caught using our tackle, lures or equipment. Don’t hesitate to send us a report: