Pikewallis så dagens lys i 2008, og var da en ren tur- og inspirasjonsblogg innenfor predatorfisket. Den gangen først og fremst for gjedde. … Les mer omOm Pikewallis
Et sted for dere som er glad i å fiske.
Dear Fly Fishing Ladies of the World, Fly Fishing Men of Europe, Guests and Friends!
On behalf of the Norwegian Fly Fishing Federation and the organizing committee for both the
1st FIPS-Mouche World Ladies Fly Fishing Championship and the 26th FIPS-Mouche European Fly Fishing Championship, we would like to invite you all to come and discover the beauty of Norway!
The championships will be held from 6th – 12th July 2020 in the region of Innlandet with the host municipalities of Stor-Elvdal and Rendalen. The region is surrounded by forests, mountains, rivers, lakes, and lots of wildlife. It’s an area of lots of culture and long traditions of the Norwegian people.
We hope you will catch a lot of beautiful memories from your visit.
The Secretary of the Championships will be in Koppang. Accommodations for the 1st FIPS-Mouche WLFFC will be in Åkrestrømmen. Participants for the 26th FIPS-Mouche EFFC will stay in Koppang.
For the Championships, you will fish the following river sections: Atna, upper and lower Glomma, Mistra and Åkrestrømmen (in the Northern Rena River) and lake sector in Storsjøen.
We are really proud to host the 1st FIPS-Mouche WLFFC and 26th FIPS-Mouche EFFC.
We want the championships to be held in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere, conducted in accordance of the Olympic ideal.
Suggestions in Stor-Elvdal Municipality:
Stor-Elvdal Hotell AS, Koppang, tel. 0047 62 46 04 55, contact@storelvdalhotell.no , www.storelvdalhotell.no
Koppang Camping, Koppang, tel. 0047 62 46 02 34 info@koppangcamping.no , www.koppangcamping.no
“Vacation house” – ‘Glomma” at Koppang Camping. 8 persons (possible 10), 5 rooms with 2 beds. Rental for a whole week. Information on www.koppangcamping.no. Koppang Camping, Koppang, tel. 0047 62 46 02 34, info@koppangcamping.no
Trya Camping, tel. 0047 905 02 815, narbutikken.trea@narbutikken.no , www.trya-camping.no
Tiuren Kro og Hotell AS, tel. 0047 62 46 28 50
Atna Camping, tel. 0047 469 44 036, atnacamping@gmail.com , www.atnacamping.no
Other options for accommodations, see: http://glommafisk.no/overnatting/
Suggestions in Rendalen municipality:
Øiseth Hotel, at Åkrestrømmen tel. 0047 62 46 62 00, post@oiseth-hotell.no ,
Storsjøsenteret camping, at Åkrestrømmen, tel. 0047 62 46 88 88, post@storsjosenteret.no
Kværnesodden Apartment (searches available in several booking systems), https://www.booking.com/hotel/no/villa-camilla-4.no.html
Ytre Rendal Jakt og Fiskeforening, Stortjønnhytta,
General information
Glomma fiskeforening – http://glommafisk.no/forsiden/28-2/
Storsjøen fiskeforening – https://fishspot.no/en/fiskeopplevelse/storsjoen-i-rendalen/ Mistra river
Stor-Elvdal municipality – https://www.stor-elvdal.kommune.no/english/Sider/side.aspx
Rendalen municipality – https://www.rendalen.kommune.no/
Norwegian Fly Fishing Federation (NKFF) – http://nkff.net/
International Organiser
Cato Vivelid Nilssen
Norwegian Fly Fishing Federation
Ingvild Aurdal, President