We are incredibly proud to present this man as a new member of Team Pikewallis.

He is an incredibly versatile fisherman where freshwater, saltwater, big rivers, small rivers, perch and zander and big lake and small lakes and trout and salmon are thing he know.

Here you have a little about Dzeraldas, we call him Jerry.
My name is Dzeraldas, I’m 32 years old.
From an early age, I was obsessed with nature and water until one day a friend learned to fish and then I realized it was my passion, a place where I could relax and discover myself. I like to catch all predator spiecies, but I am most interested in fishing for trout and salmon in rivers. There you can take part in the battle of a Life time.
I am always looking for something new on the brand, fishing rods, reels, lures, etc. It is a lot of fun to try something new and adapt to the fishing conditions.
I newer say no to Adventure, try new lakes, rivers, fjords, there is always something new just around the corner.

I know I can learn a lot from Jerry so this will be an exciting and educational. This collaboration will give a lot to all. We have already been out fishing and Jerry is an angler it’s easy to like. I have for several years been fascinated by his catches and good photos I know he will add an extra dimension to pikewallis.
So a big thank you jerry for wanting to be a part of us in team Pikewallis