JDM (Japanese domestic marke) har en posisjon i Norge
Vi er så utrolig heldig å kunne jobbe med noen av de beste i verden. Japanske merker har ofte en kvalitet som setter mye annet på plass. TailWalk er et firma som har et stort stangsortiment, de har en fin snella range og masse annet colt. Vi er ikke lite stolte til å tilby varer fra dette firma
Dette er Del 1 av en presantasjon som vil komme de neste uken.

Det er et litt rotete marked i Norge om dagen med mye oppkjøp og delinger. Partnere har gått fra hverandre, merker er kjøpt opp. Det vil si at det tar litt tid før ting for sats seg igjen. Man begynner litt på null igjen, så tidspunktet for å komme med noe helt nytt er bra. TailWalk har et brett sortiment som vi vil se nærmere på etter hvert. Vi er så heldige å ha butikker helt i nord, til ned på Østlandet noe som gjør at vi får en brett spekter av stenger allerede første året.
Dageki is suitable for overseas anglers. The blank is really versatile, you can use all type of the lures. Equipped with Fuji Alconite guides and also Fuji VSS reel seat.

Sensitivity, light feeling, guide spec let all anglers entry to the world of predator fishing. There are also high length models suitable for shore fishing.

Seabass is a standard fishing in the category of inshore fishing and is loved by many anglers. In this fishing, a lot of methods are developed and selected in its history. Tailwalk looked for the best specifications for the modern seabass fishing with such sophisticated methods and made a new standard rod from the perspective. That is HI-TIDE SSD.
The Flexible blank was developed newly from structure and it helps with reducing the mistake of bites and absorbs the jumps and headshakes of fish. The bigger guides are equipped for longer casts. 83MH and 90MH are especially powerful rods that are useful to catch Barracuda as well. The selected specifications are good for other fish such as perch, zander, pike,

Troutia stream model
It‘s more Simple and Serious – these are the concepts we believed in the trout fishing world and produced The Troutia NATIVE series. This series is widely adaptable for everyday fishing ponds to finishing in the stream. We have built the bait-casting type for Mountain Stream fishing, and the telescopic model is handy and an easy, portable choice for your fishing trip.
Also, the flexibility is the advantage on the Full Solid model and more… we are featuring several other amazing characteristics on this model. We choose a unique and traditional design on the grips. You can experience a great tackle. FUJI SIC K guide equipped.

The SPEC-K series has been tested by Kazutoshi Kasuga who goes frequently to big or wetland rivers in overseas and has already conquered the strong salmon and monster trout with its strength. The models in the SPEC-K series can suit to each area, e.g. rainbow trout, seatrout, steelhead, red salmon, king salmon and so on…

More sensitivity, more lightweight, more slim and sharpness rod blank with high elasticity graphite material.It is so much versatility rod , good for EGING, Lift and Fall for small jig on shore, Winding method, Seabass fishing with small and regular size lure, Zander, Peach, Rockfish on shore, and more target of technical game!It is based on EGING rod action, cross wrapping to top section and 4-SPINDLE CARBON TAPE on butt section.
Sophosticated and stylish design , micro guide setting with Fuji SiC guide.

We suggest to challenge several fishes freely with 1 rod. The Bait-casting rod series matches the Elan Wide Power Series. The rod is suitable for every field, Offshore, Shore, Freshwater, Saltwater, jigging, bass, seabass, octopus, rockfish, catfish, snakehead, monster…

The concept of this series is enjoying fishing every time and everywhere. Inshore, on small boat, on kayak, on belly boat…, every field can be fishing place. This rod series is designed for such active fishing fun.
The design was selected for several target fish and methods. The blank has the medium-fast action and flexible material inside which bends smoothly. That works well for accurate casts and making lure’s action. Retrieve method is of course recommended, and twitching, quick jerking are also the best ways to use this rod.
The guide setting is also friendly to every kind of lines such as Nylon, Fluorocarbon, braided line.

The rod series was developed to shape tailwalk’s motto “Uniting Various Waters”. All rods are made with an elastic blank’s material in several specs that tailwalk think as most multi-purpose. These rod design make it possible to operate the lures sensitively and to fight monster fish with butt power at the same time. We want all anglers to feel functions in high level in several situation such as small river, big river, surf, lake, rocky seashore, on boat…
There are 2 Sub-series in lineup, “F” and “R”. F means “Fast action” and the F models are especially recommended for usage that need to feel the bottom of water, lure’s reaction, touch from fish. Due to the fast action and the elastic material, anglers can get clear information from water.
On the other hand, R models have “Regular action” that fits to the use of fast-moving lures such as crank bait, minnow, chatter bait, swim bait and so on. The regular action reduces the excess recoil when fish bites in retrieving the lure.
For saltwater, for freshwater,
From shore, on boat,
The possibility is infinite.

Standard class rod series from tailwalk “SSD”. As 15th Anniversary rods, tailwalk selected one of most valuable models from each category and applied special design. Special red color rods will make your fishing easier and exciting!!

Jeg har valgt og ikke skrive så mye om egne erfaringer i denne presentasjonen. Jeg kommer til å lage en video snutt som vil komme ut på pikewallisTV på youtube. Jeg ønsker å gi dere mest mulig informasjon derfor legger man naturlig tid i dette. Og velge seg ei ny stang er ikke bare bare og det kan koste til penger. Da er det greit å ha så mye informasjon som mulig i forkant. Det jeg kan si er at det virker utrolig bra og målet er jo med de leverandørene vi har i dag skal bli å regne med på stenger fremover.
Butikker som foreløpig tar inn Tailwalk i år er :

Vi håper å kunne bringe noe nytt til bordet i årene fremover. Vi har allerede prosjekter på gang med Tailwalk og de spesielt på stenger med 3 eller flere deler. Kan jo også nevne at stengene har blitt mye testet med agn fra Duo, det vil si at du vil kunne få stenger som passer perfekt til det sortimentet.
Våre 2 pro staff medlemmer :

Så har jeg spurt litt andre om de er sugne på å teste litt og det har bare vært positive svar.

Så vil jeg selvfølgelig de som er en del av Pikewallis også teste.