News from Kinetic / Fairpoint Outdoors
Fishing for fat saithe with Slim Jim
During august the fishing for huge saithe has been excellent at the Nordic Sea Fishing camp at Sørøya. The Guides Johan Mikkelsen and Erik Axner were the first to find the saithe near one of their far away hotspots “Storskaltern” as they were testing a prototype of a new Magic Minnow jig for 2013 called Slim Jim. Fishing the jig up and down at a decent speed through the water column proved to be superior to all other lures and methods. Several huge saithe were caught by guides and customers with an estimated number of 10-12 fish over 10 kilos. The biggest was 15.5 kilos. For the following weeks the huge saithe and some large cods have been at the same spot whenever the weather has been calm enough to go out there.
The halibut fishing has also been good. One of the nicer fish caught lately was a 138 cm fish caught on the Magic Minnow Giant Jighead – a jig only licensed for sale in Scandinavia. Several fish have been caught at Storskaltarn, but the fishing has also been excellent in shallow water at a depth from 7-20 meters near the shore.
At all the Nordic Sea Fishing camps there are reports of excellent halibutfishing right now. This time of year the fish tend to stay in shallow water and the shorter days makes the biting periods more intense. At the camp in Nappstraumen on Lofoten, guide Fredrik Schmitherlöw has been suscessful using the biggest version of the Magic Minnow Big Bob jig. This 730 g / 40 cm jig is a big mouthful, but the medium and large size halibut loves it. At Sørøya a 185 cm long halibut was caught by Tommy Påhlsson on a Fancy Cola Cacao colored version of this lure at the end of July. Right now they are hoping to catch an even bigger one at Nappstraumen…
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All pictures by Nordic Sea angling /
If you have news on big fish caught using our tackle, lures or equipment. Don’t hesitate to send us a report and a picture: