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Westin Platypus vs. monster perch
The rolling action of Westin Platypus is deadly to most predators. It’s no secret that big pikes were the main targets in mind when designing this lure, but perch seems to love them as well. The latest choking report comes from Henrik Lützen from the Danish shop Predator Sportsfishing who was on the water at the end of last week:
“I had a super day of fishing, says Henrik. We were targeting pig pikes and caught several with the two biggest around seven kilos, but the big surprise of the day was not the pikes!
We were trolling the lake with four rods out – one of them with my last Parrot Special colored 57 g Westin Platypus. During the day 25 fish were caught in total and out of these nothing less than 18 were caught on the same rod. The rod with the Platypus! As I mentioned there were other big predators than pike around. Three monster perch were caught. The two “smaller” ones where 1.7 and 1.8 kilos and the biggest measured 47 cm and had a weight of 2.1 kilos! It was –of course – caught on the Platypus lure. This trip is far from the only time I see this lure outperform everything else, and I’m just sorry they were sold out and this was the only one I had left.”
Henriks huge 2.1 kilo lake perch is by far the biggest we have heard of, since the new lure arrived in the shops, but it is far from unusual that perch from 700 grams and up attacks this lure. We were actually able to film it when a 800 g perch attacked underwater and was caught by 5 years old Christian Eldor. Spend a minute to watch the entertaining video!
We have also received reports on big pikes caught using the Platypus lure. In December Wolf Dieter Kaiser from caught a pike measuring 112 cm and 11.2 kilo. It also took the Parrot Special color, that Henrik used for his perch. Other colors that have worked well for Wolf and the brackish water pikes at Rügen are Emo and Natural Pike.
If you have news on big fish caught using our tackle, lures or equipment. Don’t hesitate to send us a report and a picture:
Henrik Lützen showing his fantastic 2.1 kilos perch caught on a Westin Platypus
German brackish water pikes are crazy about Westin Platypus. This is a 112 cm specimen caught by Wolf Dieter Kaiser.